The personal site ofBryan Montalvan

👩‍💻 Developer 👩‍💻 Developer 🏋️‍♂️ Athlete 🏋️‍♂️ Athlete

Web fanatic, Enjoyer of modern technologies and solutions, Powerlifter

About me

A student studying Computer Science at the University of Massachussets Lowell .

My passion for the web started when my intro to programming class went over HTML, specifically when we made our personal website. I was facinated how simple it was to create a website. On my free time I was curious how I could make my basic HTML page look better. Since then I've always enjoyed creating applications on the web.

I enjoy learning the latest technologies and being able to create applications which serve a purpose for myself and the people around me. Creating solutions for meaningful problems is what drive me the most!

Check out my socials!

If I have piqued your attention the best way to contact me is via Email or Linkedin


Here are some technologies I've used

Programming Languages

c cpp go javacript typescript python

Web Technologies

React next-js Gatsby angular redux css html5 Nodejs


git npm docker

Selected Work


Lead and developed on an full-stack 3D & VR web application used to teach students K-12 Computer Science concepts and skills
